“Every person you meet has infinite worth. They have that in common. There is no one worth more or less.”
– Kent Hoffman
Individual Therapy to Discover Your Infinite Worth!
How to Find a Therapist
Searching for an “individual therapist near me” may seem to be as easy to find as a needle in a haystack after the pandemic. Everyone is full and no one you call, calls you back. Finding a mental health therapist near me is tough! At Counseling Near Me we get the frustration. We are committed to finding you one of our private counselors who is well-trained and can help you. We have lots of immediate availability online throughout NC. We are local therapists to NC and our plan is to have in-person therapy available soon.
Live call answering on weekdays 8-5. We will call you back – promise!! (984) 204-1337
Does Individual Therapy Help?
Then you may worry – how do I know if this individual therapist will even help? It takes a lot of courage to call for individual counseling. It’s hard to admit in our culture that praises self-reliance that we need someone. But recognizing that you need help is the healthiest move you can make and can set you on a path toward mental health and happiness. You may decide that what you really need is family therapy and we can help you there too.
What is Individual Therapy?
Individual counselors have two goals.
1) Who Are You – The first goal is to help you discover the true self – what your needs are (and feel okay about having needs), and what you want in a healthy relationship and a productive life.
2) Helping You Change – The second goals is to help you discover they ways you may be getting in your own way. Individual therapists will help you see your blocks – the things you can’t see about yourself in gentle, kind and empathic ways. In confidential sessions with your self-care counselor you will discover ways to stop the critical voice inside and find productive ways to care for yourself. Individual counseling is the talking cure.
Our mental health counselors are highly trained. We spend hours in continuing education and case consultation to continuously improve our work with you. Almost all of our clinicians specialize in Emotionally Focused Therapy or EFT and have had over 48 hours of training in this attachment-based theory model.
Let’s TalkWhat are the most common reasons for Individual Counseling?
Mood Issues – Probably the most common issue people seek personal therapy is because they feel anxious, depressed, overwhelmed or just stressed out. Normally, they can get their bearings but this time, they can’t and don’t know why. Maybe they are stuck in overthinking about things they said in a relationship and they just can’t trust when their friends or partner say everything is fine. Maybe it feels like they are getting behind at work and can’t catch up and their anxiety makes them even less productive. Or maybe their blues are turning into a deeper depression and nothing seems interesting or important to get out of bed for. At Counseling Near Me, we can help you make sense of your mood and find a way to get back to yourself.
New Directions – Maybe you are a college student floundering with classes because your first choice major suddenly doesn’t seem all that interesting. Maybe you need to get out of a relationship that is controlling or isn’t nurturing and you are afraid to make the jump. Individual therapists don’t tell you what to do. They help you see your options. One-to-one counselors near you in NC are available immediately and can help you set a new course that is more genuinely from your head and heart.
Family of Origin Healing – Many of us come from families that, while they did the best they could, did not really see us. Our families did not give appropriate warmth, interest, or structure so that we grew up feeling stable and secure. It’s much harder to form relationships when our internal world doesn’t really have a blueprint for what healthy communication and relationships look like. In individual therapy or counseling services, you can experience a relationship with healthy boundaries, where you feel the respect and interest of your therapist about your thought and feelings. You can talk about your inner world without being judged.
Secure Attachment – Do you push people away? Are you so introverted that no one ever really knows you? Are you seeking help to better understand your relationships and yourself? You can discover in therapy ways to have more secure relationships with the people in your lives. Learning your attachment style (we all work from attachment theory) helps you identify your protective and typical defensive moves when you are in conflict. Your counselor can then show you better ways to communicate with your loved one so you are heard and seen. Personal growth counseling helps you earn security. You too can have the sense of security inside that you are lovable, worthy and good.
Trauma Healing – Maybe you grew up in an alcoholic home. Or you were abused as a child. Or you were a soldier exposed to trauma of the battlefield. Perhaps you have had the chronic trauma of neglect or many relationships where you were betrayed. Sometimes we don’t even know that what we have endured is trauma. Things were just the way they were. But our trauma-informed therapists can help you distinguish what is a normal experience of safety and care in life, from perhaps the chronic patterns of threat and harm that have made it hard for you to regulate your emotions. Feeling safe in the world is important and we want to help you get there.

One of the many issues that come up in Individual therapy is trauma from the past or even the recent past. As you start to explore reasons for depression or anxiety, sometimes given what you have endured in your past, these feelings makes sense. Individual counseling is the best place to gently and safely reopen these old wounds , but this time with a difference – you are not alone. With a trauma-informed therapist, who are empathic and caring, you can begin to get distance from very hurtful incidents or even chronic exposure to trauma. Our trauma-informed therapists at Counseling Near me can help you heal with professional and expert therapy.
Grief Counseling – Have you lost a mother or father? Did you just go though a brutal divorce.? Did you recently experience a miscarriage? When you lose a loved one, a person you have attached to, someone of infinite importance – you can be bereft. Grief is hard, painful and important. Oftentimes, people say stupid things to us when we’re grieving implying that we should just move on. That insults our pain. But sometimes grief is extended and we can’t seem to ever move on. You need individual, private counseling to help you process the many feelings about this person you have lost – perhaps the opportunities lost, the good things, the painful things, and your emotions about it all. Our therapists will stay with you in the grief, not rush you and not tell you to move on already.
New Patients
We’re ready when you are.
Insurance Based
We accept insurance from a variety of providers.
Multiple Locations
We offer Virtual sessions for all NC residents. Offices in Raleigh.
More locations coming soon.